IGS Surname Collection

If you are researching a German surname, The Immigrant Library now has collected a set of books and periodicals together to make surname searching a breeze, especially if the surname you are researching is uncommon.

If you can make the trip to Burbank to visit the Immigrant Library, these books are stacked in six shelves next to the office desk.

If you cannot come to Burbank in person, perhaps you have access to a different library with a strong collection for Germanic research.

IGS Surname Shelf

Either way, the following list is the one suggested by the IGS Library for the purpose of surname research (but be on the lookout for others):

1.Ahnenreihen aus allen Deutschen Gauen, 1931-36
2.Ahnentafeln um 1800: Eine Ahnentafelsammlung
Band 1 (1929/31), Band 2 (1932-33), Band 4 (1934/38)
3.Archiv für Sippenforschung
the only indexed issues are these bound volumes: 1961-62, 1965-66, 1971-72
4.Deutsches Familienarchiv (the largest resource, being well-researched family histories)
an index to respective volumes exists for volumes 1-50, 51-75, 76-100, 101-125, 126-150
we then have eight additional, individual volumes that were not jointly indexed
5.Die Ahnenstammkartei des Deutschen Volkes (pedigree chart indexing)
introduction and register volume, plus Lieferung 1 (1975) to Lieferung 18 (2000)
also various American guides to usage are shelved with them
6.Die Fundgrube, Heft 54 (1992): “Anschriften der Familienforscher in Deutschland”
7.Der Schlüssel (covering 398 German periodicals, and sadly underused)
Band 1 (1950-51) to Band 9 (1986), with a 1993 German Genealogical Digest guide to usage and an IGS page for Band 15 giving examples of town listings also provided)
8.Familiengeschichtliche Quellen (indexing of major gen. publications — like PERSI?)
Band 1 (1926-30) to Band 16 (1990)
9.Familienkunliche Nachrichten (FANA, a query magazine included with other mailed publications, reminding old-timers of The Genealogical Helper)
Band 1 (1956) to Band 13 (2007)
publisher’s indexes are available in original or copy for 1 to 11, and IGS indexes for last two
10.Forscherkontakte 1990 (Myron Gruenwald recommended this, as his “Die Pommerschen Leute” had been included)
2 volumes, with indexing by region
11.Genealogie (many bound volumes of this national journal — a real prize!)
from the beginning in 1952 through 1982, plus three additional bound year volumes
additional years of this publication are available, but unbound and unindexed
12.Genealogisches Handbuch Bürgerliche Familien
volumes 7 (1900), 10 (1903), 14 (1908), and 15 (1909)
13.Genealogisches Jahrbuch (covers most important research findings of the year)
Band 2 (1962) and Band 9 (1969) to Band 26 (1986)
14.German Research Association Surname Book, 1990
15.Glenzdorfs Internationales Genealogen-Lexikon (detailed researcher focus given!)
[Erster Band] 1977, Zweiter Band 1979, Dritter Band 1984
16.Praktische Forshungshilfe (many queries by people needing to complete the Ahnenpass)
17.Wer Sucht Wen?, 1956