“Navigating German Archives”

An Adventure in Navigating German Archives

Long-time IGS member Geraldine Knatz will present her experience getting key genealogical documents from a German Archive. This lecture is a “how-to” that builds on IGS’s initial webinar presented in June of 2022 by our German Honorary Board member Dirk Weissleder on “Doing Research in German Archives From Home”.

Following Dirk’s lecture, Knatz took the tips that she learned and applied them. The results will now be presented in this webinar. She will explain, in a step-by-step way, how she found important documents related to her Knatz family and the ins and outs of navigating a German website, ordering the documents, communicating with German Archivists all while not being about to read or speak German.

Geraldine Knatz

Geraldine has been a member of IGS for many years, and has had the good fortune to experience the early days of research trips to Germany with our society’s founders.

She has served as Secretary of the Immigrant Genealogical Society for the past two years.

The depth of her research into the Knatz family can be found on her impressive website, knatzfamily.com, where you will also find a complete biography of her many career accomplishments. Geraldine is currently working on her Genealogical Certification.

Registration Details

  • When: Sunday, January 15, 2023 at 1:00 PM Pacific Time
  • Where: Online, via Zoom
  • Cost: No cost to attend!
    Registration is closed.