“German-American Genealogy,” 2016

The 2016 issue of German-American Genealogy is at the printer now!  Four articles are in this issue, as follows:

“East German Colonization in the Middle Ages,” by James Westfall Thompson
“The Banat Swabians:  A Tale of Perpetual Hardship, Survival and Hope,”
by Alexandria Irimia
Meyer’s Gazeteer Now Online, Indexed and Fully Searchable!”
by Fritz Juengling PhD, AG
“The Germans in Missouri,” by Jana Bickel

For members of IGS during the 2016 year, this issue should reach your mailbox around mid-December.  Other articles are in various stages of preparation for the next issue, possibly one for Spring 2017.

Do you have an interest in writing for it?  Many topics could be considered, but especially welcome would be more articles describing German colonies or emigrant regional groupings, such as suggested by the second and fourth articles listed above.  Please contact the webmaster or editor, if interested.


Details coming for the 2017 Int’l. Germanic Genealogy Conf.

IGS members will be receiving details soon about the German-American Genealogical Partnership’s July 28 – 30 conference in the Minneapolis area,

CONNECTIONS  International.  Cultural.  Personal.

Look for them in your email inbox (if you receive your newsletter electronically), or with your newsletter mailed in early December by USPS delivery.

New (Co-) Editor for “Die Pommerschen Leute”

The “DPL” is the quarterly of the Pommern/Pomerania Special Interest Group of our Society.  It was once a separate organization, founded by Myron E. Gruenwald (1930-1998) in Wisconsin in 1982, beginning with the publication of his newsletter to promote an appreciation of Pomeranian heritage.  Gradually Mr. Gruenwald also published a series of nine booklets relating to the history and culture of the Pomeranians, both in Germany and in America.  With Myron’s death, publication of the quarterly moved to California.

Now we are welcoming a new (co-)editor, Chris DeWuske of Minnesota.  An elementary school art teacher, he may be expected to present us with new ways of “seeing” our ancestors.  His resources include a firm grounding in the German language, having once attended the Freie Universität in Berlin, plus also a curiosity about his “roots” which parallels that of the editor he will gradually replace, David Marks.

His first issue is Volume 39, Issue 4 (Winter 2016), which will be mailed soon.  On page two, under “Editor’s Notes,” is the following:  “His help will enable us to continue to publish what we hope are interesting and pertinent articles, not only in researching your Pomeranian ancestry, but in understanding the history and culture so that you might better understand how your family lived.”  Readers will find that this issue continues the strong traditions and standards of past years.  Welcome, Chris!!