Digitized Civil Registry Documents for East Prussia

Earlier this month, on Sunday the 11th, we had a successful discussion on IGS Library resources on East and West Prussia that was attended by eight researchers.  But did we forget to mention that many new records for East Prussia are now being digitized and made available online through the State Archive in Olsztyn, Poland (formerly Allenstein)?  The details about the new releases and links to the digitized records can be found at:  http://allenstein.draschba.de/neues.php.

The current additions are from the following locales, as announced on Saturday the 17th through the OW-Preussen-L mailing list:
Klaukendorf (Kreis Allenstein)
Gross Kleeberg (Kreis Allenstein)
Gutsbezirk Wartenburg (Kreis Allenstein)
Willenberg Land (Kreis  Ortelsburg)
Ortelsburg Land (Kreis  Ortelsburg)
Landsberg-Land (Kreis  Pr. Eylau)
Saalfeld Land (Kreis  Mohrungen)
Neidenburg Land (Kreis  Neidenburg)
…and with apparently a few scans from Lochstädt in today’s Kaliningrad Oblast of the Russian Republic.

Calendar items from October 2016 newsletter

Next Up:  We need some volunteers! Several of you indicated possible interest in helping out when you stopped by our table at the SCGS Jamboree in June.  Now that Fall is here we can begin to think about cooler weather and training sessions!!  What do we need the most?  First priority is staffing for the Library on 3rd Saturdays and 4th Sundays.  Next would be help with cataloguing books, or assisting with membership renewals.  We promise not to overload you, and we’ll guarantee that there’s a “fun” component.  If you would be interested, please contact either the president or the editor.

Oct. 15:  2nd Annual Genealogy Day, 8 to 2 p.m., San Diego’s Balboa Park
Nov. 13:  Annual Meeting & Elections, followed by Switzerland discussion
Dec. 11:  Christmas Pot-Luck Party, with discussion on Austria, Sudetenland
(now Czech Republic lands) & the Germanic parts of northern Italy.


The 2017 International Germanic Genealogy Conference, July 28-30, 2017

Conference dates:
July 27, 2017: partner leadership day
July 28 – 30, 2017:  International Germanic Genealogy Conference – all day presentations on “Connections”

The conference — “CONNECTIONS: International. Cultural. Personal.” — will offer more than 60 presentations over three full days by Germanic genealogy experts worldwide.

The focus of this international conference offers a unique opportunity for Germanic genealogists to make personal connections with people from the United States, Germany and other countries.

For more conference information, visit the website of the Minnesota-based Germanic Genealogy Society, conference host, at www.GGSMN.org, click “2017 GAGP Conference.” The official website of the Partnership and the 2017 conference is expected to go live in early October at www.GAGP.org.

Click here for the flyer and here for the Press Release.

International cooperation
The Partnership, founded in 2015, joins Germanic genealogy societies across America, Germany, Canada, England and other European countries, and continues to draw new societies worldwide. Partnership members include the more than 60 societies belonging to the Germany-based Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Genealogischer Verbände, whose leadership helped in founding the Partnership.

A block of rooms has been set aside for conference attendees.
Minneapolis Marriott Northwest Hotel
7025 Northland Dr., N. Brooklyn Park, Minn.

To reserve a guest room online, go to http://TinyURL.com/HLUWQQJ
Or to reserve a room by phone, call (toll free in the USA) 1-877-303-1681 and say you wish to reserve a room as part of the Germanic Genealogy Conference.