IGS members are invited to the 2017 International Germanic Genealogy Conference. Many of you have already registered. Thanks to each of you.
Learn more about the conference.
IGS members are invited to the 2017 International Germanic Genealogy Conference. Many of you have already registered. Thanks to each of you.
Yes, fourteen members of the Immigrant Genealogical Society &/or the IGS Pommern group will be attending the International Germanic Genealogy Conference in Minnesota in July 2017 — along with one spouse. But most of us have multiple memberships in partner organizations, so it took a little sleuthing to come up with the current number of attendees. Here’s a breakdown by principal genealogical partner organization:
IGS — 5 (plus the spouse); our IGS Pommern group — 4; the host society, GGS — 3; and the San Diego Gen. Soc. German Interest Group — 2.
And here’s the breakdown by state: California, 9+1; Arizona, 1; Minnesota, 1; Nevada, 1; Pennsylvania, 1; Virginia, 1. Of course more are welcome!! Visit the IGGP website for information….
Liz Shaw, Publicity representative and Facebook administrator for the Sacramento German Genealogy Society (SGGS), wishes to extend an invitation to all IGS members to attend their upcoming seminar. The seminar will be held at Fair Oaks Presbyterian Church, and features Michael Lacopo, DVM a veternarian who retired in 2013 to become a professional genealogy researcher and has 30+ years experience in genealogical research. He will present two lectures on “Using DNA to Further Your Family Tree” and two lectures on “Overcoming Brick Walls in German-American Research.” He is a knowledgable and engaging speaker. SGGS members have enjoyed his quick wit and willingness to answer their questions. His science training makes him especially qualified to discuss and explain DNA testing and its use in genealogy research.
Brochures for this event will be available at the IGS researcher “Stammtisch” we’re holding this coming Sunday, beginning at 1 pm. Or, just visit the SGGS website and click on “Spring Seminar.” Here you’ll find cost and optional lunch details, and a map to the location. Registration is by PayPal or mail-in form (but registration should be received by April 1st to avoid late registration pricing). And, be aware that space is limited, and that registration may close if the event is as popular as in past years!! Special questions or concerns? Just email Liz or call her at 916.337.1830.
The International German Genealogy Partnership (IGGP) is now online, and while it is still new and undergoing modifications you’ll want to bookmark it and refer to it often.
When you’re at the IGGP homepage, don’t overlook the information available in the sidebar with reference to our 2017 Conference. Brochures are available for download here, or you may pick up a paper copy at the IGS Library in Burbank.
Lastly, the IGGP has a booth in the Exhibit Hall for RootsTech in Salt Lake City this week. The purpose is to promote the Partnership — now at 32 organizational members & growing — and to make attendees aware of the upcoming conference. Societies that will staff this booth for the three days (Thursday through Saturday) are the DAGV, the Germanic Genealogy Society (of Minnesota), the Sacramento German Genealogy Society, the Ostfriesen Genealogical Society of America, and your Immigrant Genealogical Society.
IGS members will be receiving details soon about the German-American Genealogical Partnership’s July 28 – 30 conference in the Minneapolis area,
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